Saturday, March 13, 2010

Something old, back to being something new!

Sooooo, I finally decided it’s time to dust off my liquid and powders and start doing acrylic nails again! Jip, I’m putting an advert into our little community news thingy and hoping for the best.

Those of you who’ve know me for longer, will know that I was a nail tech at Dream Nails for about two years. It was a real change from being in admin, but I enjoyed it. The girls I worked with were really nice (except for the odd cat-fight, of course) and we had LOTS of fun while I learned about a whole new world. I was the oldest in the bunch, the (almost) motherly figure. I gave advice and they gave fashion tips. I gave the shoulder to cry on and they tried very hard to loosen me up! We did lots of fun promotions and nail art and had some real sweetheart clients. It was especially fun for me, as my sister is a hair stylist – imagine what we could do together! She liked using the girls I worked with as models for her competitions, while she got free nails out of the deal.

When the salon changed ownership (a sad day for me, though I’m still friends with the original owner Mandy), things just wasn’t the same. Mandy loved coming in on Saturdays (she had a day job!), cleaning up all around us, making coffee and chatting away with the clients. I guess with being the only female in a house full of men, this was her “girl time”. She was into fun and so were we. Then came Tracey – only about 3 or so years older than me and we just did not click. Partly because I had training in Human Resources (so I was clued up) and she couldn’t put her unjust new rules and regulations past me. I’m not one for pretentious people, so we were like oil and water. I don’t know who was more relieved when I had to resign when I fell pregnant with my first daughter – me or her! I still keep in touch with one of the girls Tanya, and of course Mandy.

ANYWAY, though I went back to admin, I’ve been doing nails as a second income off and on now for about 5 years. Since I don’t need a big client base, I get to do my clients when I want to… which helps if you’ve got 2 small children! My eldest Chené used to climb onto my clients’ laps to see what I did up close, not they ever complained. Now it’s little Mia doing it. I had to stop doing nails for a while after Mia was born, as it made her very sick. I realised the other day, after having done my first new set in two years, just how much I missed it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing nail art! I’m creative, so that’s a given, I guess.

Bottom line people – Corné’s Nail Corner is open for business! Tell your friends, shout it from the roof tops, hire a billboard, whatever – JUST GET ME CLIENTS! Hahaha!

Be Blessed!

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