Argh!!!! I am feeling sooooo irritated today… everything just ticks me off!! Do you ever get those days?
I overslept a bit, but was luckily woken by an sms from my bff Elouize (thanx!) who is in a timezone 2 hours ahead of me. In her world people were at work already… Then daddy just WOULD NOT get up! So, because he’s running behind schedule, the girls and I get “the grumpy bear” treatment. Now, I’m not the type of person to take this treatment if I didn’t DESERVE it, so I bite back! Baby Mia (who will be 2 in March) decides to cry about EVERYTHING, inbetween throwing temper tantrums, so we constantly have to calm her down while packing in lunches. While I’m desperately trying to get back on track, my eldest Chené brings her overshirt that she wears to paint at school, with a broken strap (she was supposed to bring it last night). Quickly I try to fix it, while daddy gets more agitated because we’re late and “wasting time”. Finally in the car, I realise I forgot my USB thingy at home… My whole LIFE is on that thing! I’m hopelessly lost without it… It has a bright red long cord attached to it, especially so that I can see it where ever it might be hiding (because I misplace it constantly!). I was sure I put it in my handbag last night! So now I’m a bit peeved at myself because I wrote a blog last night that I wanted to place today. Now I’ll have to remember to do it again… and you know how I am at remembering things!
Then we go to drop of Chené at school. All is fine until we get to the class. I chat to the teacher quickly and then realise that she slipped past me into the class… no bye mom… no kiss… I feel so rejected! So I walk back to the car, feeling rather sorry for myself. On the way I find that my shoes hurt me – another argh! moment. So that ticks me off as well… Back in the car hubby puts on the radio loud and it just grinds me, but I leave it because I know it’s just me being silly. Drop of Mia at daycare, then off to work. When I get there, I kick off my shoes. Aaaa, relief… Luckily work is a jeans type of environment and the guys regularly see me barefoot.
So then I check the emails and I just get one after the other with stories that make me cry! I actually want to place one here… NO MAN!! Stop this now! I need to focus on work! So, with the relief of writing this blog, I am hoping that I will now relax and be able to do some filing (whoopdidooo) as today is Friday. I hope your day is better than mine so far and that you have a wonderful weekend! Be blessed.
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