I was driving along, on my way to work one morning a few weeks back, when I got the idea for this blog. You see, I have bad eyesight - and because of this I hate driving in peak hour traffic. My reaction time is too slow to be effective and I’m always too scared or too slow to take a gap if one pops up. My husband Herman on the other hand is a terrific driver, gap-taker and general manoeuvring-his-way-through-peak-traffic-fast-and-efficient-and-without-dents-to-the-car-person. So I prefer to be driven around, instead of driving myself around - not that he LETS me drive when he's with me!
Anyway, what was my point here? Oh yes... Being a person afraid of taking gaps, also seems to make me generally terrified of taking risks of any kind. But this morning, as I sat waiting for the line to move, I saw a guy take the gap and get ahead of the rest of us scardy-cats... And something inside me just said 'I want to do that! I want to take the gaps and not be so afraid of them anymore!' You see, I'm one of those 'safe bets' when it comes to people, always on the straight and narrow. So why now? Why want to change now?
It might have something to do with the fact that I resigned my job this past December to run my own business as of next week. Though the business has been in existence for almost a year, it's still a major prayer case - which I do, every day. For me though, this has been a major gap-taking, totally against my nature. Yet I find myself thinking outside my straight line more and more, as if this one wild act has released something in me, something that makes me want to be that gap-taker, that gal who gets ahead in life. I've been waiting for this chance my whole life, and golly, I'm taking it! Perhaps this is just another part of my ONE new year's resolution - this year I'm going to live my dream! What is my dream, you may ask. Well, ever since I became a mom I wanted a job where I could be with my kids when they needed me, but still be a leader in my field. And now I'll have my dream with this business - though I have another business along the side, to help with the cash flow! You know me, always busy... I guess the time for make or break is now, when my dream is within my grasp.
So, the next time you see a white ford tracer taking the gap in traffic, the one you were too hesitant to take yourself... That gap-taker is me - going for it! Wish me luck...
Be Blessed!