My little prayer child was not planned, she was sent by God at a time when her parents needed her. I always tell her that she was the best present I ever received from God. I remember that when she was born, I didn’t sleep for 36 hours because the adrenaline was pumping and I couldn’t stop looking at and touching her. Now she’s growing into a tall, lithely little girl with a colourful imagination (mmmm, a bit of Mommy there!) and a kind heart to all around her.
We constantly teach her about God and because we belong to a charismatic
church, she also learns about the anointing of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, with prayer being one of them. She’s taken to her gift with an eagerness that is beyond her years. I can’t really pinpoint when we noticed her gift, though I do remember one specific case where we needed a breakthrough for our business. She prayed for us, in her childlike words and manner, and God heard her. The breakthrough came! Hubby Herman did that typical movie moment of – look at each other - ‘do you think…? No, it can’t be, she’s too young! But what if…’ and we started taking note. More and more often things would fall into place when Chené prayed, to the point that, when we told her that she has a really special gift, she has been praying for anyone in need without being asked to do so. She even prays for her little sister when she’s sick (all on her own) and lays hands on her father’s knee whenever his pain gets too bad.
Two weeks ago I lost my purse – I looked EVERYWHERE, it was just nowhere to be found. By last week I was almost crying, frustrated at not finding it and more frustrated with having to have my drivers licence and cards replaced at this time of year. Last week Wednesday I dropped my kids with my mom
, who would watch them while we had to work. Mom knew about my purse, so she and Chené prayed. That same afternoon, after I picked them up from Grandma, Chené tapped me on the shoulder in the car and handed me my purse! She found it under a crate that was holding my seat in position (the nuts broke). When I exclaimed my joy, she just stated that she and Grandma prayed about the purse, that’s why she found it. Matter-of-factly… :-) Two nights ago we had another issue with our business which needed an answer and she sat next to me while listening to daddy and my conversation. “Mommy, must I pray for it?” she asked. I almost started crying, but just hugged her instead. Her faith was bigger than mine.
She recently asked me if she MUST have her eyes closed when she prays. I explained that I love to pray to God while driving and that it would be a bit difficult to close my eyes then! On her question of how I could pray WITHOUT my eyes closed, I explained that it’s a matter of focu
s – I focus on God during my driving and speak to Him loudly, as if He’s sitting next to me. It’s the only time I have that’s quiet enough and leaves me with at least 15 minutes of prayer time, so why not use it! I could see her little mind racing to digest all that I had explained – now to see what she does with it!
I hope that God will always bless my little prayer child’s prayers as it comes from her heart. She’s an inspiration to me and has given me a new lease on praying!
Be Blessed in this Christ-Season!!