Just a little something to inspire you:
I Am Learning Lord …
My life has taken many falls
And tumbles 'long the way.
The many trials have left me
In a sure state of dismay.
For with each trial, I tried alone
To tend, and soothe, and mend,
Instead of giving them to God -
And on Him just depend ....
But, I am learning, Lord…
It seems that I was determined
To carry all the load.
I longed for smoother pathways.
Yet, I walked a rocky road.
Little did I understand,
God waited patiently
To pave a new beginning
With a better life for me.
But, I am learning, Lord…
It took a real disaster
To bring me to my knees;
To finally call upon the Lord
And say, "God help me, please."
He can, with no delaying,
With strong arms that could hold -
The weight of all my burdens;
He gladly took the load.
And, I am learning, Lord…
What a needless cross I carried,
All because I could not see -
What a friend I have in Jesus,
And the love He has for me.
Peace I find when troubles hover,
Though' the outcome is unknown.
For if yet the road is rocky,
I won't walk it all alone.
For, I am learning, Lord
Author Unknown
Be Blessed! C.