Mum and Dad were watching TV when Mum said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed." She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning.
I'm the mother of 2 beautiful daughters who's married to a wonderful husband, the original Miss-Goody-2-shoes who married a Bad Boy! I blog because it's fun and I love to write. Please leave a comment if you like what you read!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Why Women are So Special..
Friday, November 20, 2009
My princess is growing up...

I’ve been struggeling to get my 5 year old daughter Chené off her night nappy. I know, I know… FIVE?? Somehow she won the powerstruggle and I just gave up, hoping that someday things would change. Recently she went to go sleep over at a friend’s house, where Auntie Debbie told her she was a big girl now and she mustn’t wear nappies anymore!! She came home, promptly informed us that Auntie Debbie said this and Auntie Debbie said that, so she’s going to stop wearing the nappies. My jaw dropped to the floor… How long had I been telling her this SAME thing? How long? So, I asked daddy to take the 10H30 pm toilet run, which he has been doing for more than a week. So far it’s going VERY well… I’m so proud of my little princess. I see Debbie at the daycare every day, so she gets a running commentary of how Chené’s doing. I laugh at this because Debbie knows my struggles with the nappy thing and she obviously saw a gap of how she could help. I cannot thank her enough! This is such a big thing in our household, you have no idea!
Last night I went to the information evening for Chené’s Gr R class next year. I sat there listening to all they did and the rules and regulations – and I felt like crying. Mostly because I know how much my child hates rules and structure. She’s like a butterfly, spreading love wherever she goes. Her imagination is amazing and she’s so good with her little sister. I really don’t like having to send her to school. To make things worse, they start at 7H45 – are they crazy? That’s the time we’re still running around like chickens without heads, trying to get the kids packed up, grab our things and get in the car! So daddy got a stern talking to last night about how he CANNOT sleep late anymore. Once he finally gets up, he’s ready in 5 mins, but the girls take a bit longer - which usually makes us late. In winter I fight with them EVERY day to get them to get up… I get up at 6h15.
So, I’ve decided to not think about it any more and to rather concentrate on our holiday coming up and on decorating the new school bags Chené got for use next year (they encourage this). I was thinking of something with a princess or a balarina theme… any ideas guys? I’m a VERY creative person, but a bad decision maker! HELP PLEASE!! Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful weekend. The sun is shining in Cape Town! Be blessed!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Blue Tuesday!
First I was upset with hubby for wearing one of only TWO decent shorts he has left to work. He’s a foreman at an aluminium company, so obviously everything gets dirty and torn… I sit more nights with mending to be done, than I get to do my blog! So you’ll excuse me if I get a bit hot under the collar when he wears the NEW shorts… And what’s his reaction? He just shrugs… SHRUGS!!! I tell you… Then I drop the kids at the day mother where 18 month old Mia promptly decides to start crying so that I won’t leave her. She doesn’t really do this kind of thing, so now I’m a typical mother and I’m starting to worry. She had a runny tummy yesterday which cleared up after some meds and no fever to speak of since, but what if…? Oh stop it Corne!
Then I drive to work and I sneeze so much in the car that my eyes start to water and I can’t do my make-up. Sigh… So I get to work all ghost-faced, to walk into an office that is buzzing with activity as my boss tries to get everyone out to sites on time. Of COURSE there will be something that I missed yesterday (that I was supposed to inform him of), so I feel bad about that and try to sort it out. Then, as soon as he leaves for a site meeting, it starts… One after the other THEY come pest me! The guys who work in the warehouse, that is. It seems they wait until I’m settling in, getting a nice rhythm to my work – and then they strike! They need this, I must do that for them, they want to use the phone, and of course… the loans. It frustrates the heck out of me that my petty cash (i.e. the money we keep for office use / emergencies) is used for loans for the guys. By Wednesday each week, I’ve got nothing left. So I’m a bit miffed at this day so far… Hopefully it will get better. Picking up the girls for ballet at about 2 and helping at my mom’s school concert tonight and tomorrow night. Looking forward to it, actually. This will be her last concert as she is (finally!) retiring. Now we just have to find her something to keep her occupied in her retirement, because she’s got more go left in her than I do! Any ideas, anyone?
In-between all of this I’m desperately trying to get the virtual assistant business off the ground… but it’s a SLOW process and some days I just feel like dropping the whole thing. The trouble is… I really think this is perfect for me! Please hold thumbs for me… and tell all your friends! Have a lovely week and be blessed!