I started my own virtual business... What was I thinking??? This is difficult!! Ok, let me take a few steps back and get you in the loop of the last few weeks in my life:
It all started when the company both my husband and I work for, was unable to give us our annual salary increases. Everything here has gone up, but now our income stayed the same. What now? I desperately needed to supplement our income, so I posted a message on a Yahoo group I belong to for any ideas people might have on a legitimate second income. The ideas came in - some requiring money (halloooo I don't HAVE any!), some marketing related, but one really caught my interest and so my journey began. Since I am an Office Manager by profession, I wanted something along this line to do in my spare (spare? with two kids? HA!) time. So I started researching about becoming a VA or Virtual Assistant. Now, if you're a newbie at cyberspace, like me, you'd be asking "what's a VA?" In short, it's an admin assistant (secretary) who works from a virtual office (home) assisting people with their admin needs (in between a day job, running a home, the kids and hubby!).
I took the advice I got and joined a Yahoo group called TAVASA (Transcriptionist and VAs of South Africa), a wonderful group of ladies who were eager to help with setting up my business, answered all my questions and gave me helpful tips. As you can see from the group's name, I live in South Africa, a beautiful country full of natural resources, sea, sun and friendly people, just like TAVASA. I feel blessed living here, despite the high crime rate, because I love the people here. Where else would you find people who are willing to help you without expecting anything in return? Though the rest of the world seems to be digitally more advanced in using VAs, I was surprised to see that SA was not far behind and was eager to join them!
My best friend Elouize currently lives in Dubai (her husband is very much in demand as an air traffic controller) and she's been listening to my worries about our finances for the past few months. When I told her about this new venture, her comment was "great! What can I do to help?" (she's a legal PA). S0, with friend in tow, I chose a name, got an email address, set up the web page, designed the letterhead, wrote the business plan, etc etc, all while working full day and running a home and the kids... and almost crashed! We were planning on going "live" by the 1st of October, 2009 and I was working around the clock. And then it happened...
Shortly before the 1st, I asked Elouize to check the website in order for us to iron out some last minute wrinkles. She accidentally typed the web address in wrong... and landed on a page where another lady was using the SAME name as us, doing the SAME work we wanted to do. OH! MY! WORD!
"So?" she asks me via MSN live chat. "What now?" What now? NOW I did crash! I wanted to cry, scream, throw things!! It took all my courage not to lock myself in a closet somewhere! Do you know how hard I worked?? How I struggled to get everything in place and done in time?? WHAT NOW?? NOW, I calmed back down (VERY upset with myself for NOT surfing the net to see if the name was in use for the same reason we wanted to use it, a lesson well learned) and asked her opinion. She suggested we start afresh: new name, new logo, new outlook on life. So we started brainstorming again. What name will we use? Luckily for us, her hubby Dick was home and eagerly gave suggestions via MSN. Effective VA (nope), Overflow Execs (maybe), Chaos Crusaders (hahahahaha!) and finally Admin Aunties (EUREKA!!!!). So, after BOTH of us having surfed the net to make SURE the name is not in use, we found a cute logo, changed all our documentation, redesigned the web site - all before finally going live on the 5th of October, 2009. Not bad, actually.
And then came e-marketing. I had no idea it would be so much work! I'm STILL not finished! I think we're only listed on about 10% of the known sites, and I still have to find the UNknown ones! My diary has too few lines to write in every day... and I seem to get my ideas right before I fall asleep. So, I now keep a pen next to my bed (the pad has been confiscated by my 1 year old) and wake up every morning with illegible scribblings on my hands of things I need to remember to do that day! In the meantime our website
http://adminaunties.yolasite.com/ 's webcounter is very SLOWLY counting away, I'm checking our email every day, we're sending out e-mails to prospective clients, etc etc... Soon, I tell you, SOON we'll be getting more work than we can handle! Poor Elouize is saddled with a friend and partner that can think of nothing but the business, probably driving her (and my hubby) crazy with my nerves!
So, I've decided to start the blog as an exhaust for all my stresses and ups and downs! I hope to keep you updated on what's happening at Admin Aunties, as well as blog some titbits about my wonderful, funny hubby and our life together. My two little girls are busy enough for a whole SERIES of blogs! But mostly, I love to write and I'm eager to see if I can BLOG!!
Come visit me again soon! Be blessed!